Dream of an astronaut's husband

Taichi Yamazaki, a husband of Space Shuttle astronaut Naoko Yamazaki, wrote:

"My dream is to become a Controller of International Space Station. I will propose a marriage to you from the Controller Room. Please accept." This is what I told Naoko, who was just selected as an astronaut candidate.
About a year later I asked about her dream. She replied, "I want to be a mom astronaut; married or unmarried."
I thought it did not sound a good idea to bear a child before marriage. So I changed my previous words and proposed her.
She said, "I don't need a wedding gift or party. If I do have a party that should be after I flew to the space."
Then I said, "OK, let's have our wedding party on the runway the Space Shatte lands. I will wear tuxedo and wait for you on a red carpet. Come out of the shuttle with wedding dress."
Recently our daughter Yuki says "I also want to wear a dress"
Life is just once. I want to materialize this; it is like a final scene of a movie.